Import, Export or Verify AFD Address Data
You can export address data and then use the AFD Refiner tool to ensure that address data is accurate, before reimporting.
You can manage address data in the following ways:

You can export address data to improve address information or append geodemographic data.
To export address data:
Click the Data Miner button on the Reporting ribbon.
Expand the Learner section of Application Contexts, and then select the Learner Addresses option.
Choose AFD Export from the drop-down list to enable the relevant columns for export. Use the Condition Builder to filter search results.
You must choose AFD Export option from the drop-down list to ensure that the relevant columns are available for export.
Right click a record in the grid, and select Export Data from the menu.
The Export Settings window is displayed.
The export settings options are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Save Export To |
The file path that the export file should be saved to. Click the Browse button to browse to the required file path. |
Data Selection | The data that is exported from the grid. Select All Rows or Selected. |
Export Type |
The export type. Select from the following:
Export Format | The export format. Select from the following:
Include Query Information | Whether to include query information on the export. |
Include SQL Query | Whether to include the sql query information on the export. |
Apply Styling | Whether styling is required on the export. |
Include Group Colours | Whether group colours are required on the export. |
Open File after Export | Whether to open the file automatically after it has been exported. |
Click OK to export.
The Export Status window is displayed.
If required, you can click the Cancel button to cancel the export.
The data is exported to the selected file location and displayed in the selected format.

You can use AFD Refiner to assess the accuracy of the address data.
Refer to the Refiner page on the AFD website for further information.

Data is validated by the import process before importing to ensure that addresses are excluded if:
- The address does not exist
- The first line of the address is missing
The import filename must begin with 'AddressImport'. Digits may also be appended to the filename to indicate a date (for example: AddressImport20171214).
To import address data:
Click the Imports button on the System ribbon.
Click the Open File button on the Admin Commands ribbon
The Open window is displayed.
Select the file that you want to import and click Open.
On completion, addresses are displayed in the grid with new values replacing existing fields. Geodemographic data classifying the economic and demographic characteristics of the population is added wherever it was missing.
A yellow cell indicates that the content has been amended since the export. Hovering your mouse over a yellow cell displays a tooltip providing more information about the change.